# NOTE: Several objects used in testing are defined in
# tests/testthat/helper-make-test-data.R
# NOTE: There are a large number of calls to suppressWarnings() in these tests
# because findOverlaps() produces a warning whenever a GTuples object is
# treated as a GRanges object.
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### findOverlaps
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
hits <- findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = "equal")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 0L)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr0, gr0,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr0, gr0,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr0, gr0,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr0, gr0,
type = 'within'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'equal'),
findOverlaps(gr0, gr0,
type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
hits <- findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = "equal")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'within'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal'),
findOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
tmp2 <- GTuples(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
tuples = matrix(1:4, ncol = 2),
strand = "+")
hits <- findOverlaps(tmp2, tmp2, type = "equal")
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), 1:2)
hits <- findOverlaps(tmp2, tmp2, type = "any")
expect_identical(length(hits), 4L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'within'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal'),
findOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# More complicated than 1- or 2-tuples.
# Specifically, need specialised tests if type = 'equal'
tmp3 <- GTuples(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
tuples = matrix(1:6, ncol = 3),
strand = "+")
hits <- findOverlaps(tmp3, tmp3, type = "equal")
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), 1:2)
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(tmp3, tmp3, type = "any"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 4L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'equal'),
Hits(1:10, 1:10, 10L, 10L, = TRUE))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(q3_gr, q3_gr, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(q3_gr, q3_gr, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(q3_gr, q3_gr, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(q3_gr, q3_gr, type = 'within'))
expect_that(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal'),
not(is_identical_to(findOverlaps(q3_gr, q3_gr,
type = 'equal'))))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', select = 'all'),
Hits(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L,
6L, 6L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 8L, 9L, 9L),
c(1L, 4L, 7L, 2L, 5L, 8L, 3L, 6L, 9L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 5L,
3L, 6L, 1L, 7L, 2L, 8L, 3L, 9L),
9L, 9L, = TRUE))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', select = 'first'),
rep(1:3, 3))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', select = 'last'),
c(7:9, 4:6, 7:9))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', select = 'arbitrary'),
c(7:9, 4:6, 7:9))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', select = 'all',
ignore.strand = TRUE),
Hits(c(rep(1:9, each = 3)),
rep(c(1L, 4L, 7L, 2L, 5L, 8L, 3L, 6L, 9L), times = 3),
9L, 9L, = TRUE))
q3c <- q3
seqinfo(q3c) <- Seqinfo('chr1', 100, isCircular = TRUE)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q3c, q3c, type = 'equal'),
findOverlaps(q3c, shift(q3c, 100L), type = 'equal'))
expect_error(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', minoverlap = 10L),
paste0("'minoverlap' must be 0 when 'type = equal', other ",
"values not yet supported"))
expect_error(findOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', maxgap = 10L),
paste0("'maxgap' must be -1 when 'type = equal', other ",
"values not yet supported"))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
tmp4 <- GTuples(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
tuples = matrix(1:8, ncol = 4),
strand = "+")
hits <- findOverlaps(tmp4, tmp4, type = "equal")
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), 1:2)
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(tmp4, tmp4, type = "any"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 4L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt4, gt4, type = 'equal'),
Hits(1:10, 1:10, 10L, 10L, = TRUE))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(q4_gr, q4_gr, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(q4_gr, q4_gr, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(q4_gr, q4_gr, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(q4_gr, q4_gr, type = 'within'))
expect_that(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal'),
not(is_identical_to(findOverlaps(q4_gr, q4_gr,
type = 'equal'))))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', select = 'all'),
Hits(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
5L, 5L, 6L, 6L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 8L, 9L, 9L, 10L, 10L,
11L, 11L, 12L, 12L),
c(1L, 5L, 9L, 2L, 6L, 10L, 3L, 7L, 11L, 4L, 8L, 12L,
1L, 5L, 2L, 6L, 3L, 7L, 4L, 8L, 1L, 9L, 2L, 10L,
3L, 11L, 4L, 12L),
12L, 12L, = TRUE))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', select = 'first'),
rep(1:4, 3))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', select = 'last'),
c(9:12, 5:8, 9:12))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', select = 'arbitrary'),
c(9:12, 5:8, 9:12))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', select = 'all',
ignore.strand = TRUE),
Hits(rep(1:12, each = 3),
rep(c(1L, 5L, 9L, 2L, 6L, 10L, 3L, 7L, 11L,
4L, 8L, 12L), times = 3),
12L, 12L, = TRUE))
q4c <- q4
seqinfo(q4c) <- Seqinfo('chr1', 100, isCircular = TRUE)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(q4c, q4c, type = 'equal'),
findOverlaps(q4c, shift(q4c, 100L), type = 'equal'))
expect_error(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', minoverlap = 10L),
paste0("'minoverlap' must be 0 when 'type = equal', other ",
"values not yet supported"))
expect_error(findOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', maxgap = 10L),
paste0("'maxgap' must be -1 when 'type = equal', other ",
"values not yet supported"))
test_that("Errors on different sized tuples with type = equal", {
expect_error(findOverlaps(gt2, gt3, type = 'equal'),
paste0("Cannot findOverlaps between 'GTuples' and 'GTuples' ",
"with 'type = \"equal\"' if they have different 'size'"))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = "start")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 0L)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr0, grl0,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr0, grl0,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr0, grl0,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr0, grl0,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = "start")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 6L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:2)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr1, grl1,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr1, grl1,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr1, grl1,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr1, grl1,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = "start")
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 6L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:2)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(gr2, grl2,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(gr2, grl2,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(gr2, grl2,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(gr2, grl2,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 6L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:2)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(gr3, grl3,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(gr3, grl3,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(gr3, grl3,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(gr3, grl3,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 6L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:2)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(gr4, grl4,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(gr4, grl4,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(gr4, grl4,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(gr4, grl4,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = "start")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 0L)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(grl0, gr0,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(grl0, gr0,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(grl0, gr0,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(grl0, gr0,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = "start")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), rep(1:2, each = 5))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(grl1, gr1,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(grl1, gr1,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(grl1, gr1,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(grl1, gr1,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = "start")
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), rep(1:2, each = 5))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'any'),
findOverlaps(grl2, gr2,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'start'),
findOverlaps(grl2, gr2,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'end'),
findOverlaps(grl2, gr2,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'within'),
findOverlaps(grl2, gr2,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), rep(1:2, each = 5))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(grl3, gr3,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(grl3, gr3,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(grl3, gr3,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(grl3, gr3,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), rep(1:2, each = 5))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), 1:10)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'any')),
findOverlaps(grl4, gr4,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'start')),
findOverlaps(grl4, gr4,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'end')),
findOverlaps(grl4, gr4,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'within')),
findOverlaps(grl4, gr4,
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
hits <- findOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = "start")
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 0L)
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = "start"))
expect_true(inherits(hits, "Hits"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(findOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
hits <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = "start"))
expect_identical(length(hits), 2L)
expect_identical(queryHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(subjectHits(hits), c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr0, gr0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr0, gr0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr0, gr0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr0, gr0, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'equal'),
countOverlaps(gr0, gr0, type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'within'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal'),
countOverlaps(gr1, gr1,
type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'within'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal'),
countOverlaps(gr2, gr2,
type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# More complicated than 1- or 2-tuples.
# Specifically, need specialised tests if type = 'equal'
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal'),
c(rep(3L, 3), rep(2L, 6)))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(q3, q3, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE),
rep(3L, 9))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# More complicated than 1- or 2-tuples.
# Specifically, need specialised tests if type = 'equal'
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gt4, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(gr4, gr4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gt4, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(gr4, gr4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gt4, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(gr4, gr4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gt4, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(gr4, gr4, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal'),
c(rep(3L, 4), rep(2L, 8)))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(q4, q4, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE),
rep(3L, 12))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr0, grl0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr0, grl0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr0, grl0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr0, grl0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr1, grl1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr1, grl1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr1, grl1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr1, grl1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(gr2, grl2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(gr2, grl2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(gr2, grl2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(gr2, grl2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(gr3, grl3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(gr3, grl3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(gr3, grl3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(gr3, grl3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(gr4, grl4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(gr4, grl4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(gr4, grl4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(gr4, grl4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl0, gr0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl0, gr0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl0, gr0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl0, gr0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl1, gr1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl1, gr1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl1, gr1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl1, gr1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl2, gr2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl2, gr2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl2, gr2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl2, gr2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(grl3, gr3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(grl3, gr3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(grl3, gr3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(grl3, gr3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(grl4, gr4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(grl4, gr4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(grl4, gr4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(grl4, gr4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl0, grl0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl0, grl0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl0, grl0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl0, grl0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl1, grl1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl1, grl1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl1, grl1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl1, grl1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
countOverlaps(grl2, grl2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
countOverlaps(grl2, grl2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
countOverlaps(grl2, grl2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(countOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
countOverlaps(grl2, grl2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(grl3, grl3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(grl3, grl3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(grl3, grl3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(grl3, grl3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
countOverlaps(grl4, grl4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
countOverlaps(grl4, grl4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
countOverlaps(grl4, grl4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
countOverlaps(grl4, grl4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gt0, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr0, gr0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gt0, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr0, gr0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gt0, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr0, gr0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gt0, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr0, gr0, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gt0, type = 'equal'),
overlapsAny(gr0, gr0, type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gt1, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr1, gr1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gt1, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr1, gr1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gt1, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr1, gr1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gt1, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr1, gr1, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal'),
overlapsAny(gr1, gr1, type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gt2, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr2, gr2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gt2, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr2, gr2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gt2, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr2, gr2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gt2, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr2, gr2, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal'),
overlapsAny(gr2, gr2, type = 'equal'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gt3, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(gr3, gr3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gt3, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(gr3, gr3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gt3, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(gr3, gr3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gt3, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(gr3, gr3, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(q3, q3, type = 'equal'),
rep(TRUE, 9))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(q3, q3, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE),
rep(TRUE, 9))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gt4, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(gr4, gr4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gt4, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(gr4, gr4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gt4, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(gr4, gr4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gt4, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(gr4, gr4, type = 'within'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(q4, q4, type = 'equal'),
rep(TRUE, 12))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(q4, q4, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE),
rep(TRUE, 12))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr0, grl0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr0, grl0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr0, grl0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr0, grl0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr1, grl1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr1, grl1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr1, grl1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr1, grl1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(gr2, grl2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(gr2, grl2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(gr2, grl2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gt2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(gr2, grl2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(gr3, grl3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(gr3, grl3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(gr3, grl3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(gr3, grl3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(gr4, grl4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(gr4, grl4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(gr4, grl4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gt4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(gr4, grl4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gt0, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl0, gr0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gt0, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl0, gr0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gt0, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl0, gr0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gt0, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl0, gr0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gt1, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl1, gr1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gt1, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl1, gr1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gt1, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl1, gr1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gt1, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl1, gr1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gt2, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl2, gr2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gt2, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl2, gr2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gt2, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl2, gr2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gt2, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl2, gr2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gt3, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(grl3, gr3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gt3, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(grl3, gr3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gt3, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(grl3, gr3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gt3, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(grl3, gr3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuples were GRanges
# and GTuplesList were GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gt4, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(grl4, gr4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gt4, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(grl4, gr4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gt4, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(grl4, gr4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gt4, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(grl4, gr4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl0, grl0, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl0, grl0, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl0, grl0, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl0, grl0, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl1, grl1, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl1, grl1, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl1, grl1, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl1, grl1, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'any'),
overlapsAny(grl2, grl2, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
overlapsAny(grl2, grl2, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
overlapsAny(grl2, grl2, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(overlapsAny(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
overlapsAny(grl2, grl2, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(grl3, grl3, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(grl3, grl3, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(grl3, grl3, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(grl3, grl3, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
# Just need to test that output is the same as if the GTuplesList were
# GRangesList
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'any')),
overlapsAny(grl4, grl4, type = 'any'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
overlapsAny(grl4, grl4, type = 'start'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
overlapsAny(grl4, grl4, type = 'end'))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(overlapsAny(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
overlapsAny(grl4, grl4, type = 'within'))
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'within'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gt0, type = 'equal'),
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gt1[1:3], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gt1[1:3], type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gt1[1:3], type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gt1[1:3], type = 'within'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gt1[1:3], type = 'equal'),
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gt2[1:3], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gt2[1:3], type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gt2[1:3], type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gt2[1:3], type = 'within'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gt2[1:3], type = 'equal'),
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gt3[1:3], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gt3[1:3], type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gt3[1:3], type = 'end')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gt3[1:3], type = 'within')),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(q3, q3[4:6], type = 'equal'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(q3, q3[4:6], type = 'equal',
ignore.strand = TRUE),
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gt4[1:3], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gt4[1:3], type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gt4[1:3], type = 'end')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gt4[1:3], type = 'within')),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(q4, q4[5:8], type = 'equal'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(q4, q4[5:8], type = 'equal',
ignore.strand = TRUE),
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gtl1[1], type = 'any'),
# Slightly unexpected behaviour but consistent with GRanges/GRangesList
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
gt1[c(1, 6)])
# Slightly unexpected behaviour but consistent with GRanges/GRangesList
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
gt1[c(5, 10)])
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gtl2[1], type = 'any'),
# Slightly unexpected behaviour but consistent with GRanges/GRangesList
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
gt2[c(1, 6)])
# Slightly unexpected behaviour but consistent with GRanges/GRangesList
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
gt2[c(5, 10)])
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gt2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gtl3[1], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
gt3[c(1, 6)])
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
gt3[c(5, 10)])
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gtl4[1], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
gt4[c(1, 6)])
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
gt4[c(5, 10)])
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gt4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'any'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and irrelevant difference
# in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with the
# "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl0)
expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gt0, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gt1[1:4], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'end'),
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'within'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and (mostly) irrelevant
# differences in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with
# the "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl1)
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
tmp@unlistData@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(score = integer(0))
# size(gtl1) is 1, so the subset version of it should have the same size
tmp@unlistData@size <- 1L
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gt1, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gt2[1:4], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'end'),
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'within'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and (mostly) irrelevant
# differences in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with
# the "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl2)
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
tmp@unlistData@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(score = integer(0))
# size(gtl1) is 1, so the subset version of it should have the same size
tmp@unlistData@size <- 2L
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gt2, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gt3[1:4], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'end')),
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'within'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and (mostly) irrelevant
# differences in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with
# the "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl2)
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
tmp@unlistData@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(score = integer(0))
# size(gtl1) is 1, so the subset version of it should have the same size
tmp@unlistData@size <- 3L
tmp@unlistData@internalPos <- matrix(integer(0))
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gt3, type = 'within')),
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gt4[1:4], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'end')),
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'within'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and (mostly) irrelevant
# differences in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with
# the "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl2)
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
tmp@unlistData@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(score = integer(0))
# size(gtl1) is 1, so the subset version of it should have the same size
tmp@unlistData@size <- 4L
tmp@unlistData@internalPos <- matrix(integer(0), ncol = 2)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gt4, type = 'within')),
test_that("Works on empty GTuples", {
# Results of expect_equal(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
# GTuplesList()) is FALSE due to minor and irrelevant difference
# in some attributes. Therefore, create a modified version with the
# "corrected" attributes and compare against this.
tmp <- GTuplesList()
tmp@partitioning@NAMES <- character(0)
seqinfo(tmp) <- seqinfo(gtl0)
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl0, gtl0, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 1-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1[1], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl1, gtl1, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 2-tuples", {
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2[1], type = 'any'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'start'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'end'),
expect_identical(subsetByOverlaps(gtl2, gtl2, type = 'within'),
test_that("Works on 3-tuples", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3[1], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'end')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl3, gtl3, type = 'within')),
test_that("Works on m-tuples, m > 3", {
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4[1], type = 'any')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'start')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'end')),
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(gtl4, gtl4, type = 'within')),
test_that("Returns error if algorithm argument is not 'nclist'", {
expect_error(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = "equal",
algorithm = "intervaltree"),
"unused argument \\(algorithm = \"intervaltree\"\\)")
expect_error(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = "equal",
algorithm = "intervaltree"),
"unused argument \\(algorithm = \"intervaltree\"\\)")
error_1 <- try(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = "start",
algorithm = "intervaltree"), silent = TRUE)
error_3 <- try(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = "equal",
algorithm = "intervaltree"), silent = TRUE)
expect_identical(error_1, error_3)
test_that("Warnings if 'type' is not 'equal' and size > 2", {
expect_warning(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3),
paste0("'type' is not 'equal' so coercing 'query' and ",
"'subject' to 'GRanges' objects"))
expect_warning(findOverlaps(gt3, gt4),
paste0("'type' is not 'equal' so coercing 'query' and ",
"'subject' to 'GRanges' objects"))
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