context("Testing extra functions/helpers for GeneTonic")
test_that("Overlap functions work", {
set1 <- letters[1:10]
set2 <- letters[1:15]
set3 <- letters[5:20]
ol_1_2 <- overlap_coefficient(set1, set2)
ol_1_2_ji <- overlap_jaccard_index(set1, set2)
expect_equal(ol_1_2, 1)
expect_equal(ol_1_2_ji, 2/3)
test_that("JS code for DT is generated", {
simplest_df <- data.frame(
a = c(rep("a", 9)),
value = c(-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
bg_jscode <- styleColorBar_divergent(
scales::alpha("forestgreen", 0.4),
scales::alpha("gold", 0.4)
expect_is(bg_jscode, "JS_EVAL")
test_that("map2color works", {
mypal <- rev(scales::alpha(
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.4))
my_vals <- res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive$log2FoldChange[1:20]
m2c <- map2color(x = my_vals, pal = mypal, limits = c(-4, 4))
m2c_nolimits <- map2color(x = my_vals, pal = mypal)
# plot(1:20, col = m2c, pch = 20, cex = 5)
expect_length(m2c, 20)
expect_length(m2c_nolimits, 20)
test_that("color check works", {
mypal <- c("steelblue", "#FF1100")
mypal2 <- rev(
colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.4))
my_non_pal <- c("green", "gren", "hmm", "whoops")
test_that("results to data frame conversion works", {
res_df <- deseqresult2df(res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive, FDR = 1)
res_df2 <- deseqresult2df(res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive, FDR = 0.05)
res_df3 <- deseqresult2df(res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
expect_is(res_df, "data.frame")
test_that("Exporting to sif format works", {
g <- make_full_graph(5) %du% make_full_graph(5) %du% make_full_graph(5)
g <- add_edges(g, c(1,6, 1,11, 6, 11))
siffile <- export_to_sif(g, tempfile())
expect_is(siffile, "character")
expect_error(export_to_sif(g, 1))
expect_error(export_to_sif(g, sif_file = c(tempfile(), "there_sif.txt")))
test_that("Retrieving info on GO term", {
out <- go_2_html("GO:0032729")
expect_is(out, "character")
expect_is(out, "html")
expect_equal(go_2_html("GO:00"), HTML("Gene Ontology term not found!"))
res_enrich <- get_aggrscores(res_enrich_IFNg_vs_naive,res_de = res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive,annotation_obj = anno_df)
out2 <- go_2_html("GO:0032729", res_enrich = res_enrich)
expect_is(out2, "character")
expect_is(out2, "html")
test_that("Retrieving info on gene", {
out <- geneinfo_2_html("Xist")
expect_is(out, "character")
expect_is(out, "html")
# using a gene name present in the res_de
out2 <- geneinfo_2_html("IRF1", res_de = res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
expect_is(out2, "character")
expect_is(out2, "html")
# using a gene name which is not in the res_de
out3 <- geneinfo_2_html("Irf1", res_de = res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
expect_is(out3, "character")
expect_is(out3, "html")
expect_true(grepl("not found", out3))
test_that("'Linking to AmiGO database", {
out <- .link2amigo("GO:0032729")
expect_is(out, "character")
test_that("'Linking to NCBI database", {
out <- .link2ncbi("Actb")
expect_is(out, "character")
test_that("'Linking to GeneCards database", {
out <- .link2genecards("Gapdh")
expect_is(out, "character")
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