#nocov start
#' Check whether `pandoc` and `pandoc-citeproc` are available
#' @details Credits to the original implementation proposed by Charlotte Soneson,
#' upon which this function is **heavily** inspired.
#' @param ignore_pandoc Logical. If TRUE, just give a warning if one of pandoc or
#' pandoc-citeproc is not available. If FALSE, an error is thrown.
#' @return No value is returned. If `pandoc` or `pandoc-citeproc` are missing,
#' either warning or error messages are triggered.
.check_pandoc <- function(ignore_pandoc) {
if (Sys.which("pandoc") == "") {
if (ignore_pandoc) {
## If ignore_pandoc is TRUE, just give a warning
warning("pandoc is not available! ",
"The final report will not be generated.")
} else {
## If ignore_pandoc is FALSE, stop
stop("pandoc is not available!")
if (Sys.which("pandoc-citeproc") == "") {
if (ignore_pandoc) {
## If ignore_pandoc is TRUE, just give a warning
warning("pandoc-citeproc is not available! ",
"The final report will not be generated.")
} else {
## If ignore_pandoc is FALSE, stop
stop("pandoc-citeproc is not available!")
#' Happy hour!
#' Start the happy hour, creating a report containing a document full of goodies
#' derived from the provided objects.
#' @details When `happy_hour` is called, a RMarkdown template file will be copied
#' into the output directory, and [rmarkdown::render()] will be called to
#' generate the final report.
#' As a default template, `happy_hour` uses the one delivered together with the
#' `GeneTonic` package, which provides a comprehensive overview of what the user
#' can extract. Experienced users can take that as a starting point to further
#' edit and customize.
#' If there is already a .Rmd file with the same name in the output directory,
#' the function will raise an error and stop, to avoid overwriting the existing
#' file. The reason for this behaviour is that the copied template in the output
#' directory will be deleted once the report is generated.
#' Credits to the original implementation proposed by Charlotte Soneson,
#' upon which this function is **heavily** inspired.
#' @param dds A `DESeqDataSet` object, normally obtained after running your data
#' through the `DESeq2` framework.
#' @param res_de A `DESeqResults` object. As for the `dds` parameter, this is
#' also commonly used in the `DESeq2` framework.
#' @param res_enrich A `data.frame` object, storing the result of the functional
#' enrichment analysis. See [GeneTonic()] for the formatting requirements.
#' @param annotation_obj A `data.frame` object with the feature annotation
#' information, with at least two columns, `gene_id` and `gene_name`. See
#' [GeneTonic()] for the formatting requirements.
#' @param project_id A character string, which can be considered as an identifier
#' for the set/session, and will be e.g. used in the title of the report created
#' via [happy_hour()]
#' @param mygenesets A vector of character strings, containing...
#' @param mygenes A vector of character strings, containing...
#' @param usage_mode A character string, which controls the behavior of the Rmd
#' document, based on whether the rendering is triggered while using the app
#' ("shiny_mode"), or offline, in batch mode. Defaults to "batch_mode".
#' @param input_rmd Character string with the path to the RMarkdown (.Rmd) file
#' that will be used as the template for generating the report. Defaults to NULL,
#' which will then use the one provided with the `GeneTonic` package.
#' @param output_file Character string, specifying the file name of the output
#' report. The file name extension must be either `.html` or `.pdf`, and consistent
#' with the value of `output_format`.
#' @param output_dir Character, defining the path to the output directory where
#' the report will be generated. Defaults to the temp directory (`tempdir()`).
#' @param output_format The format of the output report. Either `html_document`
#' or `pdf_document`. The file name extension of `output_file` must be consistent
#' with this choice. Can also be left empty and determined accordingly.
#' @param force_overwrite Logical, whether to force overwrite an existing report
#' with the same name in the output directory. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param knitr_show_progress Logical, whether to display the progress of `knitr`
#' while generating the report. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ignore_pandoc Logical, controlling how the report generation function
#' will behave if `pandoc` or `pandoc-citeproc` are missing.
#' @param open_after_creating Logical, whether to open the report in the default
#' browser after being generated. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Other arguments that will be passed to [rmarkdown::render()].
#' @seealso [GeneTonic()], [shake_topGOtableResult()], [shake_enrichResult()]
#' @return Generates a fully fledged report in the `output_dir` directory, called
#' `output_file` and returns (invisibly) the name of the generated report.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("macrophage")
#' library("DESeq2")
#' library("")
#' library("AnnotationDbi")
#' # dds object
#' data("gse", package = "macrophage")
#' dds_macrophage <- DESeqDataSet(gse, design = ~line + condition)
#' rownames(dds_macrophage) <- substr(rownames(dds_macrophage), 1, 15)
#' dds_macrophage <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_macrophage)
#' # annotation object
#' anno_df <- data.frame(
#' gene_id = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#' gene_name = mapIds(,
#' keys = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#' column = "SYMBOL",
#' keytype = "ENSEMBL"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' row.names = rownames(dds_macrophage)
#' )
#' # res object
#' data(res_de_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_de <- res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
#' # res_enrich object
#' data(res_enrich_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_enrich <- shake_topGOtableResult(topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#' res_enrich <- get_aggrscores(res_enrich, res_de, anno_df)
#' \dontrun{
#' happy_hour(dds = dds_macrophage,
#' res_de = res_de,
#' res_enrich = res_enrich,
#' annotation_obj = anno_df,
#' project_id = "examplerun",
#' mygenesets = res_enrich$gs_id[c(1:5,11,31)],
#' mygenes = c("ENSG00000125347",
#' "ENSG00000172399",
#' "ENSG00000137496")
#' )
#' }
happy_hour <- function(dds,
usage_mode = "batch_mode",
input_rmd = NULL,
output_file = "my_first_GeneTonic_happyhour.html",
output_dir = tempdir(),
output_format = NULL,
force_overwrite = FALSE,
knitr_show_progress = FALSE,
ignore_pandoc = FALSE,
open_after_creating = TRUE,
...) {
# generates a nice number of outputs, plots, and so on, placed in a report. Boom :)
# Check if pandoc and pandoc-citeproc are available
# If possible, set output format based on the extension of output_file, if the output format is not provided
if (is.null(output_format)) {
if (tools::file_ext(output_file) == "pdf") {
output_format <- "pdf_document"
} else {
output_format <- "html_document"
# Raise an error if output_format is not one of the allowed
if (!(output_format %in% c("pdf_document", "html_document"))) {
stop("The provided output_format is currently not supported. Please ",
"use either 'html_document' or 'pdf_document'.", call. = FALSE)
# Raise an error if the output format and file name extension don't match
if (output_format != paste0(tools::file_ext(output_file), "_document")) {
stop("File name extension of output_file (.",
") doesn't agree with the ",
"output_format, should be .",
gsub("_document$", "", output_format), call. = FALSE)
# Check that all required input files are available and correctly formatted
res_enrich, # or directly get_aggrscores(res_enrich, res_de, annotation_obj)
# output files
output_report <- file.path(output_dir, basename(output_file)) # no need of normalizePath?
output_rmd <- file.path(
paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(output_file)), ".Rmd")
# report
if (file.exists(output_report)) {
if (!force_overwrite) {
stop("The file ", output_report,
" already exists. Please remove or rename the file, provide ",
"another value of output_file, or set force_overwrite = TRUE.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
warning("The file ", output_report,
" already exists and will be overwritten, since ",
"force_overwrite = TRUE.", immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
# Rmd template
if (is.null(input_rmd)) {
template_rmd <- system.file("extdata",
package = "GeneTonic")
} else {
template_rmd <- input_rmd
if (file.exists(template_rmd)) {
if (file.exists(output_rmd)) {
stop("There is already an .Rmd file called ", output_rmd,
". Please remove or rename this file, or choose another ",
"output_file name.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# another possible thought: work in a tempdir, that is probably even more elegant
file.copy(from = template_rmd, to = output_rmd, overwrite = FALSE)
} else {
stop("The Rmd template file ", template_rmd, " does not exist.",
call. = FALSE)
# Process the arguments
args <- list(...)
args$input <- output_rmd
args$output_format <- output_format
args$output_file <- output_file
args$quiet <- !knitr_show_progress
# Render the report
output_file <-"render", args = args)
# Remove temporary file
# Open up in a browser
if (open_after_creating)
#nocov end
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