
context('GEO supplementary files')

test_that("GSE Supplemental files downloading works", {
    res = getGEOSuppFiles('GSE1000')
    expect_equivalent(nrow(res), 1)

test_that("GSM Supplemental files downloading works", {
    res = getGEOSuppFiles('GSM15789')
    expect_equivalent(nrow(res), 1)

test_that("GSM Supplemental files downloading to baseDir works", {
    res = getGEOSuppFiles('GSM15789', baseDir=tempdir())
    expect_equivalent(nrow(res), 1)

test_that("GSE supplemental file no-download works", {
    res = getGEOSuppFiles('GSE63137', fetch_files = FALSE)
    expect_equivalent(nrow(res), 12)
    expect_equivalent(ncol(res), 2)

test_that("GSE Supplemental file filtering works", {
    res = getGEOSuppFiles('GSE63137', fetch_files = FALSE, filter_regex = 'txt.gz')
    expect_equivalent(ncol(res), 2)
    expect_equivalent(nrow(res), 4)

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GEOquery documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:18 p.m.