#' Bam files preparation for EventPointer
#' Prepares the information contained in .bam files to be analyzed by EventPointer
#' @param Samples Name of the .bam files to be analyzed (Sample1.bam,Sample2.bam,...,etc).
#' @param SamplePath Path where the bam files are stored.
#' @param Ref_Transc Reference transcriptome used to name the genes found in bam files. Options are: Ensembl, UCSC or GTF.
#' @param fileTransc Path to the GTF reference transcriptome ff Ref_Transc is GTF.
#' @param cores Number of cores used for parallel processing.
#' @param Alpha Internal SGSeq parameter to include or exclude regions
#' @return SGFeaturesCounts object. It contains a GRanges object with the corresponding elements to build
#' the different splicing graphs found and the counts related to each of the elements.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Obtain the samples and directory for .bam files
#' BamInfo<-si
#' Samples<-BamInfo[,2]
#' PathToSamples <- system.file('extdata/bams', package = 'SGSeq')
#' PathToGTF<-paste(system.file('extdata',package='EventPointer'),'/FBXO31.gtf',sep='')
#' # Run PrepareBam function
#' SG_RNASeq<-PrepareBam_EP(Samples=Samples,
#' SamplePath=PathToSamples,
#' Ref_Transc='GTF',
#' fileTransc=PathToGTF,
#' cores=1)
#' }
#' @export
PrepareBam_EP <- function(Samples, SamplePath,
Ref_Transc = "Ensembl", fileTransc = NULL,
cores = 1, Alpha = 2) {
# Event Pointer for RNASeq Data
cat("Preparing BAM files for EventPointer...")
# Create DataFrame (required by SGSeq)
# with two columns: 1) Sample Name 2)
# Path to the .bam file
Location <- paste(SamplePath, "/", Samples,
sep = "")
Bams <- data.frame(sample_name = Samples,
file_bam = Location, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cat("\n Obtaining Bam Information")
# Get additional information from each
# bam with getBamInfo
Bam_Info <- cbind(Bams, getBamInfo(Bams,
yieldSize = NULL, cores = cores))
# A 'Reference' transcriptome is needed
# to, later, annotate the splicing events
# with corresponding genes. The user
# should provide either ensembl,UCSC,or
# GTF File
cat("\n Obtaining Reference Transcriptome...")
stopifnot(Ref_Transc == "Ensembl" | Ref_Transc ==
"UCSC" | Ref_Transc == "GTF")
if (Ref_Transc == "Ensembl") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
host = "")
} else if (Ref_Transc == "UCSC") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = "hg19",
tablename = "knownGene")
} else if (Ref_Transc == "GTF") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = fileTransc,
format = "gtf", dataSource = "External Transcriptome")
} else {
stop("Unknown Reference Transcriptome")
# Steps for the Reference Transcriptome
# Convert the TxDb to Features
# (GenomicFeatures)
TxF_Ref <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
# Convert from TxFeatures to Splicing
# Graph (Genomic Features) SgF_Ref <-
# convertToSGFeatures(TxF_Ref)
# Steps for bam files
cat("\n Predicting Features from BAMs...")
# Predict TxFeatures from the input bam
# files
TxF <- predictTxFeatures(Bam_Info, cores = cores,
alpha = Alpha)
# Convert predicted Features to Splicing
# Graph
SgF <- convertToSGFeatures(TxF)
# Get the reads for each subexon and
# junction
SgFC <- getSGFeatureCounts(Bam_Info,
SgF, cores = cores)
# Relate the SG Features with the
# Reference Transcriptome
seqlevelsStyle(TxF_Ref) <- seqlevelsStyle(SgFC)
SgFC <- annotate(SgFC, TxF_Ref)
# SgF<-GenomicRanges:::rowRanges(SgFC)
# Result<-list(SgF=SgF,SgFC=SgFC)
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