theme = discotheme,
style="max-width:800px; word-wrap:break-word;",
id = "introPage",
h3("Getting Started"),
"DiscoRhythm (Discovering Rhythms) provides
tools to explore cyclical temporal data.",
br(),"For a detailed guide, please refer
to the ",
a(href = docsURL, "documentation.",
target = "_blank"), br(), br(),
"The sections on the left are sequentially
executed to first, perform outlier
detection, then, detect dominant
in the data, and finally, detect rhythmicity
for each biological feature. Interactive
visualizations of oscillation parameters
(p-value, amplitude, acrophase) will be
available and a final report may be
downloaded to archive the session."),
p("An example dataset is available and loaded by
default to test the features of the application.
"Four methods of oscillation detection are
currently available:"),
a(href = paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih",
"JTK_CYCLE", target = "_blank")),"</li>
a(href = paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih",
"Lomb-Scargle", target = "_blank")),"</li>
a(href = paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih",
target = "_blank")),"</li>
a(href = paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih",
"ARSER", target = "_blank")),"</li>
"Appropriate method(s) will be available
dependent on the experimental
design detected by DiscoRhythm."),
"Throughout the app, look for these symbols:",
"Hover over ", icon("question-circle"),
"'s for instructions.",
"Click the ", icon("play",
class = "disco-button"),
" to go to the next section.", br(),
"Click the", icon("redo"),
"'s to reset to default values."
p("Sessions on the public DiscoRhythm server will time out after
30 minutes since the last computation has completed.",
tags$b("Results will not be automatically saved during usage
of the application."),
"Manually download results or use the session archiving
features to save the session settings and/or batch execute results
(useful for long running jobs)."),
# )
# ),
id = "dataIntro",
title = "Brief Workflow Procedure Details",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = TRUE,
width = 12,
h3("Select Data: Data Upload and Specifications"),
"The purpose of this section is to choose
and configure your input dataset. You can
a dataset (in .csv format) or use the
provided example. The example is a small
dataset capable
of quickly generating all results so
it is recommended to use this when
first testing features of the application.",
"When uploading your own dataset, be sure
to follow the naming convention described
in the ", a(href = docsURL,
target = "_blank"), "You should
also check the 'Sampling Summary' and
'Data Matrix' tables at the bottom of the
'Select Data' page to make sure your data
is read in correctly."
h3("Quality Control: Outliers and Signal-to-noise"),
"The purpose of this section is to perform
quality control procedures to filter out
poor quality columns or rows of the data.
The procedures detect systematic
biases in the data and allow identification
of outlier samples.",br(),
"By default no outliers
will be flagged, however, by setting
appropriate thresholds (~3 standard
deviations) outliers may be flagged for
downstream removal.",
<li>Inter-Sample Correlations:</li>
A measure of similarity between all samples
based on pairwise correlations. If a sample
shows relatively low correlation with the
remaining data it will be flagged.
<li>Principal Components Analysis:</li>
A dimensionality reduction method which
identifies systemic patterns in the data
and can identify outlier samples. This step
is also useful when looking for batch
effects or other major confounders.
<li>Filtering Summary:</li>
Summary of the quality control procedures.
All flagged samples will
be removed by default, however, you can
change this selection manually if you
believe this to be innappropriate.
<li>Row Selection (optional):</li>
Signal-to-noise analysis is used to
identify features that show stronger
biological signal compared to technical
noise. These features are disabled by
default to avoid unintended filtering of
the data. This section
also contains the technical replicate
merging method.
"The status table in the sidebar contains
relevant summary information regarding
all quality control."
h3("Main Analysis: Period Detection and Feature-wise
Rhythmicity Characterization"),
"In this section you can find the dominant
period in your data and run the main
oscillation detection algorithms.",
<li>Period Detection:</li>
This section summarizes the strength of
multiple periods across all remaining
features and can
be used to identify relevant periods in
the dataset.
Below this, a fixed period can be fit to
the first 10 principal components of
the dataset which may reveal strong
dataset-wide rhythmicity at the given
<li>Oscillation Detection:</li>
This is the main analysis section,
where multiple oscillation detection
algorithms (ODAs) are used to detect
rhythmicity in the data. All ODAs
applicable to the data
design are selected by default. You
must press Submit to
compute using the input parameters
and to update results when changing
input parameters.
"DiscoRhythm v", verCode,"</summary>")),
box(title = "Package News",
includeMarkdown(system.file(package = "DiscoRhythm","NEWS"))),
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