# narrowAlignments -----
#'@title Narrow a set of aligned reads to a target region
#'@description Aligned reads are narrowed to the target region. In
#'the case of reads with deletions spanning the boundaries of the target,
#'reads are narrowed to the start of the deletion,
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@rdname narrowAlignments
setGeneric("narrowAlignments", function(alns, target, ...) {
#'@param alns A GAlignments object including a metadata column "seq"
#'containing the sequence
#'@param target A GRanges object
#'@param reverse.complement Should the aligned reads be reverse complemented?
#'@param verbose (Default: FALSE)
#'@param minoverlap Minimum overlapping region between alignments and target.
#'If not specified, alignments must span the entire target region.
#'(Default: NULL)
#'@param clipping.ops CIGAR operations corresponding to clipping
#'(Default: c("S","H"))
#'@param match.ops CIGAR operations corresponding to a match, i.e.
#'a non-indel position (Default: c("M","X","="))
#'@param ... additional arguments
#'@return The narrowed alignments (GAlignments)
#'@rdname narrowAlignments
#'bam_fname <- system.file("extdata", "gol_F1_clutch_2_embryo_4_s.bam",
#' package = "CrispRVariants")
#'bam <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bam_fname, use.names = TRUE)
#'target <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("18", IRanges::IRanges(4647377, 4647399),
#' strand = "+")
#'narrowAlignments(bam, target, reverse.complement = FALSE)
setMethod("narrowAlignments", signature("GAlignments", "GRanges"),
function(alns, target, ..., reverse.complement,
minoverlap = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
clipping.ops = c("S","H"), match.ops = c("M","X","=")){
# Narrowing example:
# 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Read
# 5-6-7-8 Target sequence
# target_start 5 - (read_start 3 - 1) = index 3
# target_end 8 - target_start 5 + cigstart 3 = index
# Notes:
# Not using cigarNarrow as the seqs aren't narrowed
# and want to keep indel operations bordering target range
if (is.null(minoverlap)){
# alns must span target
alns <- alns[start(alns) <= start(target) & end(alns) >= end(target) &
seqnames(alns) == as.character(seqnames(target))]
} else {
alns <- alns[queryHits(findOverlaps(alns, target,
minoverlap = minoverlap,
ignore.strand = TRUE))]
if (length(alns) == 0){ return(GenomicAlignments::GAlignments()) }
m_cols <- as.list(mcols(alns))
if ("qual" %in% names(m_cols) & ! "seq" %in% names(m_cols)){
stop("Metadata col 'seq' must be present if 'qual' is present")
if (isTRUE(verbose)) message("narrowing alignments\n")
ref_ranges <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(cigar(alns))
genomic <- GenomicRanges::shift(ref_ranges, start(alns)-1)
# Find the on target operations
clipped <- unlist(GenomicAlignments::explodeCigarOps(cigar(alns)))
clipped <- clipped %in% clipping.ops
on_target <- unlist(start(genomic) <= end(target) & end(genomic) >= start(target))
on_target <- on_target & ! clipped
on_target <- relist(on_target, ref_ranges)
# Make masks to pull out first and last on-target ranges
first_on_tg <- ! duplicated(on_target) & on_target
last_on_tg <- ! duplicated(on_target, fromLast = TRUE) & on_target
# Find cases where the first or last on target operation is a match ("M"),
# operations overlap boundaries (partial alignments don't need trimming)
ops <- unlist(explodeCigarOps(cigar(alns)))
first_op_m <- ops[unlist(first_on_tg)] %in% match.ops &
start(alns) < start(target)
last_op_m <- ops[unlist(last_on_tg)] %in% match.ops &
end(alns) > end(target)
# Narrow border match operations to match target
# need to know where the target start (genomic) is wrt
# sequence (query) coordinates
cig <- GenomicAlignments::cigar(alns)
q_ranges <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cig)
sq_starts <- start(q_ranges)[first_on_tg]
genomic_offset_fom <- start(target) - start(genomic)[first_on_tg][first_op_m]
sq_starts[first_op_m] <- sq_starts[first_op_m] + genomic_offset_fom
# Adjust the genomic starting location for the alignments that will be narrowed
genomic_starts <- start(genomic)[first_on_tg]
genomic_starts[first_op_m] <- start(target)
sq_ends <- end(q_ranges)[last_on_tg]
genomic_offset_lom <- end(target) - start(genomic)[last_on_tg][last_op_m]
sq_ends[last_op_m] <- start(q_ranges)[last_on_tg][last_op_m] + genomic_offset_lom
# Adjust reference ranges to match
ref_ranges <- unlist(ref_ranges)
is_first_m <- which(unlist(first_on_tg))[first_op_m]
# Calculate new ends before changing starts
is_last_m <- which(unlist(last_on_tg))[last_op_m]
lom_ends <- as.integer(start(ref_ranges[is_last_m]) + genomic_offset_lom)
# Now adjust starts and ends
start(ref_ranges[is_first_m]) <- as.integer(start(ref_ranges[is_first_m]) +
end(ref_ranges[is_last_m]) <- lom_ends
# Get the width of on target reference ranges, recreate cigars
# The width is the reference range unless an insertion, in which case the query range
ref_ranges <- relist(ref_ranges, genomic)
ref_ranges <- ref_ranges[on_target]
qwdths <- unlist(width(q_ranges)[on_target])
wdths <- width(ref_ranges)
wdthl <- unlist(wdths)
opsl <- ops[unlist(on_target)]
wdthl[opsl == "I"] <- qwdths[opsl == "I"]
new_cigs <- sapply(relist(paste0(wdthl, opsl), wdths), paste0, collapse = "")
ga_params <- list(seqnames = seqnames(alns), pos = as.integer(genomic_starts),
cigar = new_cigs, names = names(alns), strand = strand(alns),
seqlengths = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(alns))
if ("seq" %in% names(m_cols)){
m_cols$seq <- subseq(m_cols$seq, start = as.numeric(sq_starts),
end = as.numeric(sq_ends))
if ("qual" %in% names(m_cols)){
m_cols$qual <- subseq(m_cols$qual, start = as.numeric(sq_starts),
end = as.numeric(sq_ends))
ga_params <- c(ga_params, m_cols)
new_alns <-, ga_params)
}) # -----
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