
Defines functions xidens

Documented in xidens

#____________________       Auxiliary functions

#' Auxiliary function computing the density of xi
#' @description Density function for the random variable xi, using a lognormal density for phi=-log(1-xi)
#' @param pmu Mean parameter of the distribution.
#' @param psig Variance parameter of the distribution.
#' @param xigrid Grid of the values of xi, corresponding to its domain of definition. 
#' @return Returns the density value for the given values of xi.
#' @export

xidens <- function(pmu, psig, xigrid) { sapply(xigrid, function(x) dlnorm(-log(1-x), pmu, psig)/(1-x)) }

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Clonality documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:45 p.m.