#' Convert gmtlist into a list of signed genesets
#' @param gmtlist A gmtlist object, probably read-in by \code{readGmt}
#' @param posPattern Regular expression pattern of positive gene sets. It is trimmed from the original name to get the stem name of the gene set. See examples below.
#' @param negPattern Regular expression pattern of negative gene sets. It is trimmed from the original name to get the stem name of the gene set. See examples below.
#' @param nomatch Options to deal with gene sets that match neither positive nor negative patterns. ignore: they will be ignored (but not discarded, see details below); pos: they will be counted as positive signs; neg: they will be counted as negative signs
#' @return An S4-object of \code{SignedGenesets}, which is a list of signed_geneset, each being a two-item list; the first item is 'pos', containing a character vector of positive genes; and the second item is 'neg', containing a character vector of negative genes.
#' Gene set names are detected whether they are positive or negative. If neither positive nor negative, nomatch will determine how will they be interpreted. In case of \code{pos} (or \code{neg}), such genesets will be treated as positive (or negative) gene sets.In case nomatch is set to \code{ignore}, the gene set will appear in the returned values with both positive and negative sets set to \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' testInputList <- list(list(name="GeneSetA_UP",genes=LETTERS[1:3]),
#' list(name="GeneSetA_DN", genes=LETTERS[4:6]),
#' list(name="GeneSetB", genes=LETTERS[2:4]),
#' list(name="GeneSetC_DN", genes=LETTERS[1:3]),
#' list(name="GeneSetD_UP", genes=LETTERS[1:3]))
#' testOutputList.ignore <- gmtlist2signedGenesets(testInputList, nomatch="ignore")
#' testOutputList.pos <- gmtlist2signedGenesets(testInputList, nomatch="pos")
#' testOutputList.neg <- gmtlist2signedGenesets(testInputList, nomatch="neg")
#' @export
gmtlist2signedGenesets <- function(gmtlist, posPattern="_UP$", negPattern="_DN$",
nomatch=c("ignore", "pos", "neg")) {
nomatch <- match.arg(nomatch)
genes <- gsGenes(gmtlist)
names <- gsName(gmtlist)
hasNS <- hasNamespace(gmtlist)
namespace <- gsNamespace(gmtlist)
isPos <- grepl(posPattern, names)
isNeg <- grepl(negPattern, names)
stemNames <- gsub(negPattern, "", gsub(posPattern, "", names))
stemFactor <- factor(stemNames, levels=unique(stemNames))
res <- tapply(seq(along=gmtlist), stemFactor, function(i) {
pos <- NULL
neg <- NULL
if(hasNS) {
ns <- unique(namespace[i])
if(length(ns)>1) {
stop("Signed gene-sets found in multiple namespaces - please report the bug to the developer")
} else {
ns <- NULL
if(!any(isPos[i]) && !any(isNeg[i])) {
otherGenes <- unique(unlist(genes[i]))
if (nomatch=="pos") {
pos <- otherGenes
} else if (nomatch=="neg") {
neg <- otherGenes
} else if (nomatch!="ignore") {
stop("should not be here")
} else {
if(any(isPos[i])) {
pos <- unique(unlist(genes[i][isPos[i]]))
if(any(isNeg[i])) {
neg <- unique(unlist(genes[i][isNeg[i]]))
names(res) <- levels(stemFactor)
#' Read signed GMT files
#' @param filename A gmt file
#' @param posPattern Pattern of positive gene sets
#' @param negPattern Pattern of negative gene sets
#' @param nomatch options to deal with gene sets that match to neither posPattern nor negPattern patterns
#' @param uniqGenes Logical, whether genes should be made unique
#' @param namespace Character string or \code{NULL}, namespace of gene-sets
#' @seealso \code{\link{gmtlist2signedGenesets}} for parameters \code{posPattern}, \code{negPattern}, and \code{nomatch}
#' @examples
#' testGmtFile <- system.file("extdata/test.gmt", package="BioQC")
#' testSignedGenesets.ignore <- readSignedGmt(testGmtFile, nomatch="ignore")
#' testSignedGenesets.pos <- readSignedGmt(testGmtFile, nomatch="pos")
#' testSignedGenesets.neg <- readSignedGmt(testGmtFile, nomatch="neg")
#' @export
readSignedGmt <- function(filename, posPattern="_UP$", negPattern="_DN$",
nomatch=c("ignore", "pos", "neg"),
namespace=NULL) {
gmt <- readGmt(filename, uniqGenes=uniqGenes, namespace=namespace)
res <- gmtlist2signedGenesets(gmt, posPattern=posPattern, negPattern=negPattern, nomatch=nomatch)
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