
testthat::context("Testing the imputation of missing values")

testthat::test_that("No NAs, serial", {
  bpparam <- SerialParam(log = TRUE, threshold = "INFO")
  data <- as.matrix(Hilbert(50))

  res <- imputeMissingData(
    data = data, BPPARAM = bpparam,
    rowBlockSize = 10, colBlockSize = 10,
    fixedSeed = TRUE, outputFormat = ""
  colnames(res) <- NULL
  testthat::expect_equal(res, data)

testthat::test_that("NAs, serial", {
  bpparam <- SerialParam(log = TRUE, threshold = "INFO")
  data <- as.matrix(Hilbert(10))

  data_missing <- data
  data_missing[1, 3] <- NA
  data_missing[9, 5] <- NA

  res <- imputeMissingData(
    data = data_missing, BPPARAM = bpparam,
    rowBlockSize = 0, colBlockSize = 0,
    fixedSeed = TRUE, outputFormat = ""
  colnames(res) <- NULL
  data[1, 3] <- 0.116
  data[9, 5] <- 0.020
  testthat::expect_equal(res, data, tolerance = .01)

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BEclear documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:07 p.m.