
# Fake run of AUCell
exprMatrix <- matrix(
  data=sample(c(rep(0, 5000), sample(1:3, 5000, replace=TRUE))),
  dimnames=list(paste("Gene", 1:20, sep=""), 
                paste("Cell", 1:500, sep="")))
geneSets <- list(geneSet1=sample(rownames(exprMatrix), 10),
                 geneSet2=sample(rownames(exprMatrix), 5))

cells_rankings <- AUCell_buildRankings(exprMatrix)
cells_AUC <- AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets, cells_rankings, aucMaxRank=5, nCores=1)
selectedThresholds <- NULL
# cellsTsne<- Rtsne::Rtsne(t(exprMatrix),max_iter = 10)$Y
cellsTsne<- tsne::tsne(t(exprMatrix),max_iter = 10)
rownames(cellsTsne) <- colnames(exprMatrix)

cellInfo <- data.frame(cellType1=sample(LETTERS[1:3],ncol(exprMatrix), replace=TRUE), 
                       cellType2=sample(letters[5:7],ncol(exprMatrix), replace=TRUE), 

# Create app 
aucellApp <- AUCell_createViewerApp(auc=cells_AUC, thresholds=selectedThresholds, 
                                    tSNE=cellsTsne, exprMat=exprMatrix, cellInfo=cellInfo)

# The exact commands to lauch the app depend on the R settings 
# For example:
# library(shiny)
# options("") 
# savedSelections <- runApp(aucellApp) 
# (see Shiny's doc for help)

Try the AUCell package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AUCell documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:51 p.m.