### R code from vignette source 'ASpli.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: style
options(continue=" ")
### code chunk number 2: loadAspli
### code chunk number 3: quickStart1 (eval = FALSE)
## genome <- loadDb("txdb.sqlite")
## features <- binGenome(genome)
## targets <- data.frame(bam = c("CT_1.BAM", "CT_2.BAM","CT_3.BAM",
## "TR_1.BAM", "TR_2.BAM", "TR_3.BAM"),
## genotype = c( "CT", "CT", "CT", "TR", "TR", "TR" ),
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
## mBAMs <- data.frame(bam=c("CT.BAM", "TR.BAM"),condition=c("CT","TR"))
### code chunk number 4: quickStart2 (eval = FALSE)
## gbcounts <- gbCounts( features = features,
## targets = targets,
## minReadLength = 100, maxISize = 50000,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
### code chunk number 5: quickStart2b (eval = FALSE)
## asd <- jCounts(counts = gbcounts,
## features = features,
## minReadLength = 125L,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
### code chunk number 6: quickStart3 (eval = FALSE)
## gb <- gbDUreport(counts, contrast = c(-1, 1))
## jdur <- jDUreport( asd, contrast = c(-1, 1))
### code chunk number 7: quickStart4 (eval = FALSE)
## sr <- splicingReport(gb, jdur, counts)
## is <- integrateSignals(sr,asd)
### code chunk number 8: quickStart5 (eval = FALSE)
## exportSplicingReports( sr, output.dir="results")
## exportIntegratedSignals(is,sr=sr,
## output.dir = "results",
## counts=counts,features=features,asd=asd,
## mergedBams = mBAMs)
### code chunk number 9: installation (eval = FALSE)
## if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
## install.packages("BiocManager")
## # The following line initializes usage of Bioc devel branch and should not be necessary after
## # the next official release scheduled for October 2020
## if(Sys.Date()<"2020-11-01") BiocManager::install(version='devel')
## BiocManager::install("ASpli")
## library(ASpli)
### code chunk number 10: makeTx (eval = FALSE)
## library(GenomicFeatures)
## TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(
## file="genes.gtf",
## format="gtf")
### code chunk number 11: saveTx (eval = FALSE)
## saveDb(TxDB,file="gene.sqlite")
### code chunk number 12: binGenome (eval = FALSE)
## annFile <- aspliExampleGTF()
## aTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(annFile)
## features <- binGenome( aTxDb )
## geneCoord <- featuresg( features )
## binCoord <- featuresb( features )
## junctionCoord <- featuresj( features )
### code chunk number 13: binGenome2 (eval = FALSE)
## symbols <- data.frame( row.names = genes( aTxDb ),
## symbol = paste( 'This is symbol of gene:',
## genes( aTxDb ) ) )
## features <- binGenome( aTxDb, geneSymbols = symbols )
### code chunk number 14: targetsDF2
BAMFiles <- c("path_to_bams/CT_time1_rep1.BAM", "path_to_bams/CT_time1_rep2.BAM",
"path_to_bams/CT_time2_rep1.BAM", "path_to_bams/CT_time2_rep2.BAM",
"path_to_bams/TR_time1_rep1.BAM", "path_to_bams/TR_time1_rep2.BAM",
"path_to_bams/TR_time2_rep1.BAM", "path_to_bams/TR_time2_rep2.BAM")
(targets <- data.frame( bam = BAMFiles,
genotype = c( 'CT', 'CT', 'CT', 'CT',
'TR', 'TR', 'TR', 'TR' ),
time = c( 't1', 't1', 't2', 't2',
't1', 't1', 't2', 't2' ),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
### code chunk number 15: targetsDF2b
getConditions( targets )
### code chunk number 16: gbCounts (eval = FALSE)
## gbcounts <- gbCounts( features = features,
## targets = targets,
## minReadLength = 100, maxISize = 50000,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
### code chunk number 17: gbCountAccessors (eval = FALSE)
## GeneCounts <- countsg(counts)
## GeneRd <- rdsg(counts)
## BinCounts <- countsb(counts)
## BinRd <- rdsb(counts)
## JunctionCounts <- countsj(counts)
### code chunk number 18: gbCountsWrite (eval = FALSE)
## writeCounts(counts=counts, output.dir = "example")
## writeRds(counts=counts, output.dir = "example")
### code chunk number 19: gbCountAccessors2 (eval = FALSE)
## e1iCounts <- countse1i(counts)
## ie2Counts <- countsie2(counts)
### code chunk number 20: asd (eval = FALSE)
## asd <- jCounts(counts = gbcounts,
## features = features,
## minReadLength = 100,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
### code chunk number 21: asdAccesor (eval = FALSE)
## irPIR <- irPIR( asd )
## altPSI <- altPSI( asd )
## esPSI <- esPSI( asd )
## allBins <- joint( asd )
## junctionsPJU <- junctionsPIR( asd )
## junctionsPIR <- junctionsPIR( asd )
### code chunk number 22: asdAccesor2 (eval = FALSE)
## writeAS(as=asd, output.dir="example")
### code chunk number 23: gbDUreport (eval = FALSE)
## gb <- gbDUreport( counts,
## minGenReads = 10,
## minBinReads = 5,
## minRds = 0.05,
## contrast = NULL,
## ignoreExternal = TRUE,
## ignoreIo = TRUE,
## ignoreI = FALSE,
## filterWithContrasted = TRUE,
## verbose = TRUE,
## formula = NULL,
## coef = NULL)
### code chunk number 24: asdAccesor (eval = FALSE)
## geneX <- genesDE( gb )
## binDU <- binsDU( gb )
### code chunk number 25: gbCountsWrite (eval = FALSE)
## writeDU(gb, output.dir = "example")
### code chunk number 26: jDUreport (eval = FALSE)
## jdu <- jDUreport(asd,
## minAvgCounts = 5,
## contrast = NULL,
## filterWithContrasted = TRUE,
## runUniformityTest = FALSE,
## mergedBAMs = NULL,
## maxPValForUniformityCheck = 0.2,
## strongFilter = TRUE,
## maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate = 24,
## formula = NULL,
## coef = NULL,
## maxFDRForParticipation = 0.05,
## useSubset = FALSE)
### code chunk number 27: jDUreportAccesors (eval = FALSE)
## localej( jdu )
## localec( jdu )
## anchorj( jdu )
## anchorc( jdu )
## jir( jdu )
## jes( jdu )
## jalt( jdu )
### code chunk number 28: splicingReportA (eval = FALSE)
## binbased( sr )
## localebased( sr )
## anchorbased( sr )
### code chunk number 29: splicingReportA (eval = FALSE)
## writeSplicingReport( sr, output.dir = "test")
### code chunk number 30: integrateSignals (eval = FALSE)
## is <- integrateSignals(sr, asd,
## bin.FC = 3, bin.fdr = 0.05, bin.inclussion = 0.2,
## nonunif = 1, usenonunif = FALSE,
## bjs.inclussion = 10, bjs.fdr = 0.01,
## a.inclussion = 0.3, a.fdr = 0.01,
## l.inclussion = 0.3, l.fdr = 0.01,
## otherSources = NULL, overlapType = "any")
### code chunk number 31: integrateSignalsA (eval = FALSE)
## signals( is )
## filters( is )
### code chunk number 32: exportSplicingReports (eval = FALSE)
## exportSplicingReports( sr,
## output.dir="sr",
## openInBrowser = FALSE,
## maxBinFDR = 0.2,
## maxJunctionFDR = 0.2 )
### code chunk number 33: exportIntegratedSignals (eval = FALSE)
## exportIntegratedSignals( is, output.dir="is",
## sr, counts, features, asd,
## mergedBams,
## jCompletelyIncluded = FALSE, zoomRegion = 1.5,
## useLog = FALSE, tcex = 1, ntop = NULL, openInBrowser = F,
## makeGraphs = T, bforce=FALSE
## )
### code chunk number 34: Ex02.a
#library( ASpli )
library( GenomicFeatures )
gtfFileName <- aspliExampleGTF()
genomeTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF( gtfFileName )
features <- binGenome( genomeTxDb )
### code chunk number 35: Ex02.e
BAMFiles <- aspliExampleBamList()
targets <- data.frame(
row.names = paste0('Sample',c(1:12)),
bam = BAMFiles,
f1 = c( 'A','A','A','A','A','A',
f2 = c( 'C','C','C','D','D','D',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
### code chunk number 36: Ex02.g
### code chunk number 37: Ex02.f
mBAMs <- data.frame(bam = sub("_[02]","",targets$bam[c(1,4,7,10)]),
condition= c("A_C","A_D","B_C","B_D"))
### code chunk number 38: Ex02.i
gbcounts <- gbCounts( features = features,
targets = targets,
minReadLength = 100, maxISize = 50000,
### code chunk number 39: Ex02.j
asd<- jCounts(counts = gbcounts,
features = features,
minReadLength = 100,
threshold = 5,
minAnchor = 10)
### code chunk number 40: Ex02.k
gb <- gbDUreport(gbcounts,contrast = c( 1, -1, -1, 1 ) )
### code chunk number 41: Ex02.k2
### code chunk number 42: Ex02.l
jdur <- jDUreport(asd, contrast = c( 1, -1, -1, 1 ))
### code chunk number 43: Ex02.kk (eval = FALSE)
## localec(jdur)[1:5,]
### code chunk number 44: Ex02.kkk
### code chunk number 45: Ex02.m
sr <- splicingReport(gb, jdur, counts = gbcounts)
is <- integrateSignals(sr,asd)
### code chunk number 46: Ex03
exportIntegratedSignals( is, output.dir="aspliExample",
sr, gbcounts, features, asd, mBAMs)
### code chunk number 47: Ex04
form <- formula(~f1+f2+f1:f2)
### code chunk number 48: Ex05
### code chunk number 49: Ex02.k (eval = FALSE)
## gb <- gbDUreport(counts, formula = form , coef = 4)
## jdur <- jDUreport(asd, formula = form, coef = 4 ,
## runUniformityTest = TRUE,
## mergedBams = mBAMs)
### code chunk number 50: (eval = FALSE)
## targetPaired <- targets[c(1,4,7,10),]
## gbcounts <- gbCounts( features = features,
## targets = targets,
## minReadLength = 100, maxISize = 50000,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
## asd <- jCounts(counts = gbcounts,
## features = features,
## minReadLength = 100,
## libType="SE",
## strandMode=0)
## form <- formula(~f1+f2)
## gb <- gbDUreport(gbcounts, formula = form)
## #jdur <- jDUreport(asd , formula = form)
## #sr <- splicingReport(gb, jdur, counts = counts)
## #is <- integrateSignals(sr,asd,bjs.fdr = 0.1, bjs.inclussion = 0.1, l.inclussion=0.001,l.fdr = 1)
## # exportSplicingReports(sr,output.dir="paired")
## #exportIntegratedSignals(is,output.dir="paired",sr,counts,features,asd,mBAMs,tcex=2)
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