aspliTargetsExample <- function( ) {
bamfiles <- system.file( 'extdata',
c('A_C_0.bam', 'A_C_1.bam', 'A_C_2.bam',
'A_D_0.bam', 'A_D_1.bam', 'A_D_2.bam',
'B_C_0.bam', 'B_C_1.bam', 'B_C_2.bam',
'B_D_0.bam', 'B_D_1.bam', 'B_D_2.bam' ),
package = "ASpli")
targets <- data.frame(
row.names = c( 'A_C_0', 'A_C_1', 'A_C_2',
'A_D_0', 'A_D_1', 'A_D_2',
'B_C_0', 'B_C_1', 'B_C_2',
'B_D_0', 'B_D_1', 'B_D_2' ),
bam = bamfiles,
f1 = rep( c('A','B'), each=6 ),
f2 = rep( c('C','D'), 2, each=3 ),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
return( targets )
aspliExampleGTF <- function( ) {
system.file( 'extdata', '' , package = "ASpli" )
aspliExampleBamList <- function( ) {
bamFileNames <- paste(
rep( c( 'A', 'B' ), each = 6 ),
rep( c( 'C', 'D' ), 2, each=3 ),
paste0( rep(0:2,2), '.bam'),
sep='_' )
system.file( 'extdata', bamFileNames , package = "ASpli")
aspliBamsExample <- function( ) {
targets <- aspliTargetsExample()
loadBAM( targets )
aspliDUexample1 <- function( ) {
.loadASpliObject( "ASpliDU", 'du',
c('genes', 'bins', 'junctions'),
c( 'genesDE', 'binsDU', 'junctionsDU' ) )
aspliDUexample2 <- function( ) {
.loadASpliObject( "ASpliDU", 'du',
c('genes', 'bins' ),
c( 'genesDE', 'binsDU' ) )
aspliASexample <- function( ) {
.loadASpliObject( "ASpliAS", 'as',
c('altPSI', 'esPSI', 'irPIR', 'join', 'junctionsPIR', 'junctionsPSI'),
c( 'altPSI', 'esPSI', 'irPIR', 'joint', 'junctionsPIR', 'junctionsPSI') )
aspliJunctionDUexample <- function( ) {
.loadASpliObject( "ASpliDU", 'du',
c( 'junctions'),
c( 'junctionsDU' ) )
aspliCountsExample <- function( ) {
.loadASpliObject( "ASpliCounts", 'counts',
c( 'bin.rd' , 'e1i.counts', 'exon.intron.counts', 'gene.counts',
'gene.rd', 'ie2.counts', 'junction.counts'),
c( 'rdsb' , 'countse1i', 'countsb', 'countsg', 'rdsg', 'countsie2',
'countsj') )
aspliFeaturesExample <- function( ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Create dummy gene features
genesGRL <- GRangesList()
genesGRL$GENE01 <- GRanges( 'reference', IRanges( start= c(1,301,501),
end=c( 300,500,700 ) ), '+')
genesGRL$GENE02 <- GRanges( 'reference', IRanges( start= c(1001,1301,1601),
end=c( 1250,1400,1800 ) ), '+')
genesGRL$GENE03 <- GRanges( 'reference', IRanges( start= c(2001,2251,2501),
end=c( 2250,2350,2800 ) ), '+')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Create summy bin features
binsGR <- GRanges( 'reference', IRanges(
start = c( 1, 301, 501, 1001, 1251, 1301, 1401, 1601, 2001, 2251,
2351, 2501 ),
end = c( 300, 500, 700, 1250, 1300, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2250, 2350,
2500, 2800 ) ),
strand = '+')
names( binsGR ) <- c( 'GENE01:E001', "GENE01:E002", "GENE01:E003",
"GENE02:E001", "GENE02:I001", "GENE02:E002", "GENE02:I003", "GENE02:E003",
"GENE03:E001", "GENE03:E002", "GENE03:I002", "GENE03:E003" )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Create dummy junction features
junctionsGR <- GRanges( 'reference', IRanges(
start = c( 300, 1250, 1250, 1400, 2250, 2350 ),
end = c( 501, 1301, 1601, 1601, 2501, 2501 ) ),
strand = '+')
names( junctionsGR ) <- c( "GENE01:J001", "GENE02:J001", "GENE02:J003",
"GENE02:J002", "GENE03:J002", "GENE03:J001" )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Create dummy ASpliFeatures object
features <- new("ASpliFeatures")
featuresg( features ) <- genesGRL
featuresb( features ) <- binsGR
featuresj( features ) <- junctionsGR
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return( features )
.loadASpliObject <- function ( Class, prefix, slotNames, setters ) {
obj <- new( Class )
if (length (slotNames) == length( setters) ) {
for ( i in 1:length( slotNames ) ) {
fn <- paste0( prefix, '.',slotNames[i] )
fn <- system.file("extdata", fn, package="ASpli")
slot.table <- read.table( fn, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE )
obj <- paste0(setters[i],'<-'), list( obj , slot.table ) )
return( obj )
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